As Autonomous Body Regonized by Govt. of India New-Delhi

Welcome to GCVRT Educational Council. Applications are invited for opening Vocational Training Centres all over India for the Academic year 2024-2025.
Vocational Training Centres all over India for the Academic year 2024-2025

GCVRT staff college

 GCVRT Staff College will conduct regular training classes for VTC Centres as well as conduct meetings regularly to maintain the quality and standard of education. Ways for improving the quality and maintain race with new technology are discussed and executed accordingly. All queries of VTCs are discussed and problems are brought to spotlight.

During the second session the statuary requirements will discussed, up to date government regulations regarding vocational education will be discussed. New techniques in teaching, mou etc will be brought to light. Date of meeting will be sent to VTCs one week prior to the meeting.